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  UN4, Jul 31 2011


I'm starting to see a pattern lol. All my graphs are the EXACT same, winning winning winning winning, lose (everything).


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More brutality
  UN4, Jul 16 2011

More of my dreams being crushed for your enjoyment.

12+h of practice everyday [x]
1h session review after every session [x]
2h book/forums/strategy articles reading [x]
Submitting and discussing hands with sickos [x]

Glimmer of hope [ ]

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This game is brutal
  UN4, Jul 09 2011

That's all NL10 and NL25

I've never seen anything like this before... Gives me a headache and makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Figured I'd at least give you guys something to laugh at.

5 weeks grind 12 hours a day, up about 3.50$ (obv expecting to go down in the negative soon)

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